by Shane Conto

As the world of cinema has turned to digital, what films can take advantage the most? Cheaper films that don’t usually get the attention on the small screen or on your phone screen can really stand tall and get noticed. One particular genre that relies on true stories and less on big budgets can really find their audience in this present norm. That genre…documentaries.

Which of these films will grab our country’s attention on the little screens we all carry with us?

Boys State – Apple TV+ 

What is Boys State? I have always heard of this program as they filled my college campus every summer but I never knew what it really was. After watching Boys State, an engrossing and powerful documentary, I learned really well what goes on behind those walls. This documentary follows the experiences of the most successful and involved young men who came to “learn about democracy and civil discourse”. The film shows the politics, backstabbing, hope, and chaos that makes up this once in lifetime experience. I sat on the edge of my seat as I became fully invested in a fake election. It is hard enough to feel invested in real ones! I laughed, cringed, and got emotional on this rollercoaster of a story. The disturbing behavior of some of these young men could only be matched by the actual politicians who act this way.

Father Soldier Son – Netflix

We know what war can do to individuals who are thrown into battle, but what is the impact on a family? Netflix’s new documentary, Father Soldier Son, follows the lives of the Eisch family with their patriarch who lost his legs in the name of his country. We all probably know a “military family” that has for generations committed themselves to our country. What makes this documentary special is the look behind the motivations of the children of soldiers and what leads them to follow in their parent’s footsteps. We see the struggles of Brian Eisch as he fights for his legs and for the life he gave up to fight for his country. Raw interviews with his sons give the audience a peak behind the curtains to see the toll on them, as well as the decisions that they make. Tragedy does not stop for this family as this story packs quite the punch. Nothing can better describe this film than a single word…real.

Athlete A – Netflix

How can a whole country possibly turn a blind eye to absolute evil? Athlete A tells us a tale of one evil man and the unfortunate system that protected him at the cost of 100s of young women’s safety. Dr. Larry Nassar was able to victimize so many young athletes as the US Olympics team turned a blind eye. Why allow such evil to be perpetuated for years? Netflix’s documentary takes a hard look at the negligence and unethical behavior of one of the largest and most powerful organizations in the world. The raw and unfiltered commentary by the survivors of Nassar’s abuse allows for this film to become an emotional ride that will sit with you for hours, if not days, afterward. Can you hold back tears as these women bare it all in the name of justice for them all?

The Painter and the Thief – Hulu

What is the proper punishment for a man who steals the art of another? Making them build a relationship with their victim and forcing them to pose for their next art piece. Sounds like a very progressive form of punishment! The Painter and the Thief is one of those documentaries that completely transcends the interview style of many documentaries and instead makes you feel like you are watching any old fictional narrative. The unlikely friendship that builds between thief and victim is something to adore. The chemistry and natural feel to their budding relationship grabs the audience’s attention. The journey to find the original paintings makes it feel even more like a true drama and we feel invested for those final–and impactful–words. A film that challenges the expected rehabilitation of a criminal, The Paint and the Thief portrays a pairing that is charismatic and emotional. The artist’s struggles and the physical pain that one must endure from injury will hit on your heartstrings.

The Booksellers – Prime Video (Rental)

How many other bibliophiles do we have in the house today? Hopefully many as we discuss the documentary that was made for avid readers and book collectors everywhere. You normally get to see the cinephile in me, but I spent my formative years lost inside the worlds of books. The Booksellers is a film that captures a very specific time that is slowly coming to a close. Who remembers the days of finding a new bookstore and getting lost in its labyrinth of adventures? Plenty of avid readers and book collectors alike led their thoughts to the story of the shrinking world of bookstores in NYC. I myself have been inside the likes of The Strand and have gotten the chance to experience what this film preaches. Looking through a glass case at an original copy of The Road or No Country for Old Men and wishing I had the disposable income to buy it….what a feeling? That little experience captures the magic of this documentary. If you love books, what can be the harm of searching for this little gem of a film?