by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

What a time for romances centered on the LGBTQ+ community! Billy Eichner took center stage with his huge personality with the release of his film, Bros. The gay romance got a lot of love from critics, but did not do well at the box office. What is the reason? There are many factors at work. Romantic comedies (unless you are George Clooney and Julia Roberts) are not really performing so well. Eichner also caused a lot of tension himself with his in-your-face approach to promotion. But one film flying completely under the radar and hoping to make a splash is Spoiler Alert.

What makes this new romance between two men stand out compared to the higher profile, Bros? The trailer says it all… this is no romantic comedy. Sure, there is humor, and it sure is a romance, but this one will deliver on a much deeper emotional level. The story centers on Michael Ausiello (Jim Parsons), a writer for TV Guide and TV Line, who falls in love with Kit Cowan (Ben Aldridge). Their relationship is not perfect (and Spoiler Alert is not afraid to show its warts), but they truly love each other. But when Kit is diagnosed with cancer, things take a much more emotional turn. We know from the opening frame that there will be no happy ending, but we do not expect the moving journey we will be on. 

With The Big Sick in his repertoire, what does director Michael Showalter bring to the table? This film is all about the tone. Like The Big Sick, Showalter knows exactly when to let his cast be funny and when to let the tears flow (and trust me… there will be plenty). The film has a good pace as we go through familiar beats of meeting, dating, the rocky times… but that is where the formula diverges. When we should be seeing them reconcile for the happy ending, we get a much deeper and emotional journey with what love means. A recurring shot of these two partners looking up from under the Christmas trees tells you everything about their love and what it will mean for the rest of their lives even if one of them will not last too long. 

Outside of layers of emotions, what else does Spoiler Alert deliver? There is a tenderness that allows the audience to feel deeply, and connect so closely with the audience. The characters are presented in the most vulnerable ways, and the audience “sees” them. We fall for these two men as they fall in love and fight for their love together. The characters are inspired, the story is inspirational, and the journey is filled with plenty of layers. 

Does the cast rise to the occasion? Parsons delivers the performance of his career. He is funny, endearing, and genuine. He never feels like a caricature, but his character always feels so alive, which matches perfectly with Aldridge and his dry sense of humor. The chemistry between these two is off the charts. Sally Field delivers a moving and touching performance as the tough and spunky mother to Aldridge. The unsung MVP of the film (for me) is Bill Irwin, who is the perfect match as Field’s husband. He is charming in a real dorky way. 

Are you ready for a good cry? Spoiler Alert might be one of the most heartfelt and moving films you will see the rest of this year. The romance is genuine and organic in an impactful way. The grief and inevitability of where the narrative takes us is impactful and might just leave you in a puddle. All in all, this might be the romance of the year. 

Grade: 9/10

Spoiler Alert will be in theaters on December 9

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