by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

There are many films that claim to be about family (looking at you, The Fast and the Furious), but there is something substantial and foundational in Riff Raff. This crime thriller tells a parallel tale of a pair of hitmen seeking out a mixed family assembled in a remote cabin in the woods. One past, fateful action by a son against another puts two fathers on a crash course. This film is pregnant with ideas, passed trauma, and characters that make for quite an interesting cinematic experience. 

This is not a film that has a lot of action or dynamic direction. Director Tito Montiel brings a texture to it, though, creating a darkened and rugged atmosphere. This film is not a clean, slick type of thriller; it is grizzled and dirty instead. But importantly, Montiel balances the tone. Riff Raff is not laugh-out-loud funny, but it does have a snappy, sarcastic, dark sense of humor, and the film’s comedic performers’ energy and talents shine through. It’s the type of movie which needs weight and consequences, and it commits to having them… at least until the very end. But honestly, it’s the writing that fumbles that feeling in the climax.

Screenwriter John Pollono created a mosaic of character actions and dynamics that weave together to create a dangerous tale of consequences. He needed to make sure that each of the characters feel important and worthy of a space in the narrative. And overall, Riff Raff finds space and significance for each of its players. The film is mostly about people talking in space, occasionally cutting back to important memories. This structure is quite similar to so many crime flicks (especially since the ‘90s) which offer up nonlinear stories. While Pollono’s script weaves things together well, some of the beats and reveals are a bit derivative at this point. There are some shocking elements of the story in terms of how these characters are connected, but then the film loses a bit of bite with some of its final narrative choices. 

The relationships between fathers and sons is the film’s narrative thrust, as well as the key motivations for many of the characters. Bill Murray’s Lefty is driven by what happens to his own son, which is a touchy subject (seen in how people mistake Pete Davidson’s Lonnie for Lefty’s son which has some dangerous consequences). There is a powerful reveal of Lefty’s last interaction with his son, recontextualizing his motivations and the significance of fatherhood in the film. 

Meanwhile, Ed Harris’ Vincent is trying hard to mentor and parent his stepson DJ (Miles J. Harvey) after failing his blood son, Rocco (Lewis Pullman), whose own actions are motivated by his pregnant partner Marina (Emanuela Postacchini). But relationships are significant, as Vincent is stuck under the same roof with his current wife, Sandy (Gabrielle Union), and the mess of an ex-wife, Ruth (Jennifer Coolidge). It’s a refreshing experience to see a whole film flow into one defined thematic direction, about the value of family. 

In fact, this film’s strength is its ensemble. The unexpected focus on DJ is refreshing, as Harvey elicits a lot of empathy as a young man trying to navigate his own relationships, while being surrounded by so many talented performers. The duo of Murray and Davidson is quite entertaining — Murray delivers a dry and sardonic aging criminal, while Davidson reins in his energy, but still has his comedic bite. A film just following the two of them would be quite engrossing and engaging for sure. Harris is an important anchor, and he brings his steely and tough presence in an effective way. Coolidge is the most out-and-out funny performance in the film (she just has such a great sense of humor), and she even delivers in the few emotional beats she has. Pullman has a fiery nature in this film, which is unexpected but believable. Union doesn’t get much to stand out with, but when she does, she delivers. But it is Postacchini who steals a lot of the show with her natural charisma and screen presence. 

Riff Raff never quite reaches the heights of great; thanks to a fairly stale narrative in its genre, it’s a bit of an overstuffed experience. But the film’s ensemble delivers what is expected of them, and the thematic elements give the film the depth, even if the final moment plays it a tad safe. But overall, it’s a fun time with some sharp humor and a twisting tale that will keep you guessing. 

Rating: Liked It

Riff Raff is currently playing in theaters

You can read more from Shane Conto, and follow him on Instagram and Letterboxd

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