If you really enjoy Lopez, and are waiting for an opportunity to see her shake things up, here is your opportunity
Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie (Documentary Review)
At the end of the day, this is just a well-crafted documentary
Another Person’s Treasure: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
The Rise of Cobra manages to only be one weather-dominating device away from checking off every box on my wish list
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 (Streaming Show Review)
There’s a lot of galaxy and lore that can be explored, and I enjoyed these particular expeditions
Love Again (Movie Review)
We get an unoriginal movie that hits every predictable story beat, and provides us with nothing real to root for
Perry Mason Season 2 (TV Show Review)
There are plenty more great shows to watch before you get around to this one.
One Stop Pop: The Super Mario Bros. Movie
So if you’re one of the many who fell in love with this technicolor dreamscape, boy, do I have some recommendations for you.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Movie Review)
This series manages to remain the funniest of the MCU, while also somehow still having the most depth
Schmigadoon! (Streaming Show Review)
Schmigadoon! is an incredibly fun romp, effortlessly waltzing through Broadway history
Our Best Ever Film Soundtracks
So no top 10 list this week — just a collection of people writing about music and movies that mean a lot to them!