Earth Mama is an awakening film with serious character intimacy and emotionally gut-punching performances.
Wham! (Documentary Review)
Wham! is a fun-filled nostalgia fest for those familiar with the ‘80s, though even if you’re not, there’s still plenty to enjoy
Jack Ryan Season 4 (Streaming Show Review)
It’s a fun ride of a season — and more importantly, a TV series — but I think this final season falls a bit too flat.
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (Movie Review)
Even though you’re exhausted by the end, you’re guaranteed a good time and can’t wait for the next adventure.
Animation Celebration: Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
there’s a creative charm that I can’t help but admire.
How I Met Your Father Season 2 (Streaming Show Review)
This season is a really good return to the HIMYF story
Another Person’s Treasure: Mortal Kombat (1995)
Anderson might have had a terrible track record in his career, but at least he found the right balance for this campy and absurd ride
One Stop Pop: Nimona
There are also a few other mediums that I can suggest if you’re interested!
Biosphere (Movie Review)
While it may not have connected with me, I hope it finds an audience, because there is clear creativity and effort behind the scenes.
The Out-Laws (Movie Review)
There are other films from this studio that are unwatchable and downright offensive. At least this one can brag that it is neither of those.