by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

What is your most anticipated sequel of 2023? There is a laundry list of options, and so many different types of films. You have big superhero films from both Marvel and DC. There are big action sequences from John Wick and Mission: Impossible. So many big blockbusters to choose from! But it is not a big blockbuster coming this Valentine’s Day/Super Bowl weekend. We have an unexpected third entry in an unexpected trilogy… Magic Mike’s Last Dance

With the return of the auteur from the original film, Steven Soderbergh, what should we expect from this sequel? The first entry was quite thrilling, and darker than anyone anticipated a male stripper movie to be. But Magic Mike XXL took the franchise in the direction of fun over substance. A director like Soderbergh was not going to offer up some flimsy, fluffy movie to his audience. But he does seek a happy medium with strong technical aspects, emotion, and plenty of fun. 

Does Soderbergh bring the goods? Last Dance is impeccably directed with all the trappings you expect from Soderbergh. There is just an air of cool and style in every frame. The camera angles are bold and engaging. The camera movement is precise and dynamic. The climax (a whole show at The Ratigan) is one of the most exciting sequences I have seen on screen in a long time. We feel like we are in it with the audience, seeing every move and feeling every exciting moment. The editing is superb, making this a high-energy thrill ride.

But does the story live up to the filmmaking? This is a standard romance that has the excitement of the dancing and acting to elevate it. There are huge chunks of this film dedicated to dance numbers and the realization of Mike’s vision, which is a fresh way to advance his story. The odd couple dynamic works just fine between Mike (Channing Tatum) and Max (Salma Hayek), giving the film a solid foundation. We buy their chemistry from the first dance that they share, and that chemistry carries through the whole film. This never hits the heights of the first film from a narrative perspective, but the combination of everything certainly balances it out. 

Do Tatum and Hayek sell it? Their chemistry is electric, and it is exciting to see two sexy performers flaunt it on screen. From their dances to their brainstorming together, we are invested and buy into their connection. Tatum continues his portrayal of Mike as a good man who makes ends meet, but he always has a dream right there. Hayek is dynamic in the role of Max — she is incredibly confident in her highs and raw and vulnerable in her lows. The other players like Max’s butler (Ayub Khan-Din) and her daughter (Jemelia George) each bring their own unique energy and personality to the film. But the performers (including Tatum)… they are a wonder to watch. They are so impressive and dynamic that it is hard to look away. 

Does this third entry stick the landing for the Magic Mike franchise? The London setting is a fresh and exciting touch. The return of Soderbergh was exciting, and you could see that effort on screen. The performances are incredible, and the dancing is top notch. The narrative might not be as deep this time around, and the bite of the first film is gone, but this is still a fun and enjoyable romp with plenty of charm. 

Score: 7/10

Magic Mike’s Last Dance is currently playing in theaters

You can read more from Shane Conto, and follow him on TwitterInstagram, and Letterboxd