Mr. Tony Bennett in the house. Showin’ the youngins how it’s done. It reminds me of when Manilow does Idol, in that we all make fun of him but somehow that night every single performance is better. Overall, Mr. Bennett’s touch probably made last night the best overall night of singing on Idol since the girls had their first go around. Even Sanjaya seemed listenable (Did I really just type that?)
Blake Lewis – “Mack the Knife” (B+)
Another quality performance from the Blakester. If he gains momentum at just the right moment we might actually have a battle on our hands for this title. However, it’s just as likely that he will go home this week. Go figure.
Phil Stacey – “Night and Day” (B-)
It was good, but I felt like Phil was trying to be Tony Bennet instead of himself, not that I’m completely sure of who he is to begin with. He can sing but he just can’t perform.
Melinda Doolittle – “I Got Rhythm” (A)
I think Melinda is biding her time. It’s amazing to consider, but I think she has another level to kick into on finale night. Can’t wait.
Chris Richardson – “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” (B+)
Hmmmm. I have to give it to him tonight, he actually did very well with that. Even the blind squirrel gets a nut, I guess.
Jordin Sparks – “On a Clear Day” (B)
I just keep thinking she is trying to escape the huge shadow cast by Lakisha and Melinda. (That’s not a fat joke, I promise.) It was a great performance but I’m not sure she can survive much longer. Mark my words, she is in danger this week despite that great showing.
Gina Glocksen – “Smile” (B)
One of my favorite songs, and one I wasn’t introduced to until we sang it in the choir I traveled with in college (yes, you read that right, proud member of the back row bass, so deal with it) Anyway, I love that song. I love what it says, I loved singing it, and I thought Gina did a good job.
Sanjaya Malakar – “Cheek to Cheek” (C)
“Heaven, I’m in Heaven”, or…..
Haley Scarnato – “Ain’t Misbehavin’” (B-)
I’m just bored by Haley, and call me cynical, but I get the sense that she only sticks around because she is the last “hot chick” in the competition. Fine, be like that, but you know you were thinking it too.
Lakisha Jones – “Stormy Weather” (A)
Lakisha needed a big performance to regain some of the momentum she’s lost to Melinda over the past few weeks. I think that might do it. LJ is back baby.
Tonight’s Rankings:
9. Sanjaya Malakar
8. Haley Scarnato
7. Phil Stacey
6. Gina Glocksen
5. Jordin Sparks
4. Chris Richardson
3. Blake Lewis
2. Melinda Doolittle
1. Lakisha Jones
Overall Rankings:
9. Sanjaya Malakar
8. Haley Scarnato
7. Chris Richardson
6. Phil Stacey
5. Jordin Sparks
4. Gina Glocksen
T2. Lakisha Jones
T2. Blake Lewis
1. Melinda Doolittle
I promised myself I would keep picking Sanjaya as a matter or principle, but I’m growing weary of being wrong. In my heart I know we are stuck with him for a couple more weeks, so I’ll enjoy the ride. (Non Sanjaya pick: Haley Scarnato)