Lakisha Jones – “Let’s Dance” (B+)
My wife wants you to know that Lakisha wears Premiere Designs Jewelry, if you would like to wear jewelry like Lakisha (I’ve even heard it might help you sing like her) she be more than happy to show you a catalogue.
Chris Sligh – “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” (C+)
Hmmm, I think my Chris feelings are fading pretty quickly. That was barely more than mediocre and I get the sense he is just feeling less and less comfortable up there. Nice to hear a little Police/Sting though.
Gina Glocksen – “I’ll Stand By You” (A-)
Moving up in my book, proved that though she is a rocker, she is still a great singer.
Sanjaya Malakar – “Bath Water” (D)
Even the guest helpers are having a hard time saying something nice about the poor guy. On the positive side, I think he is embracing his status as the freak show.
Haley Scarnato – “True Colors” (B-)
Was I the only one thinking of Kodak film that entire performance?
Phil Stacey – “Every Breath you Take” (B)
Very nice performance, Phil with a hat is always better than Phil without one.
Melinda Doolittle – “Heaven Knows” (A)
I really don’t think she has a bad performance in her. Votes don’t matter at this point, she will be the biggest star from this crop.
Blake Lewis – “Love Song” (B+)
Saying Blake is the front-running guy is true but dangerous, if his voters have no urgency, you could see him leaving way too soon.
Jordin Sparks – “Hey Baby” (C-)
Oops. I wondered who would try to do one of Gwen’s songs. Jordin just proved she can’t do the pop thing. Not a good sign. I can’t believe the judges liked that, I thought it was awful and I usually like Jordin.
Chris Richardson – “Don’t Speak” (B-)
He might get a bit of a bounce from the fact that that song is simply amazing, but his performance, I’m sorry, just wasn’t that good.
Tonight’s Rankings:
10. Sanjaya Malakar
9. Jordin Sparks
8. Chris Sligh
7. Chris Richardson
6. Haley Scarnato
5. Phil Stacey
4. Lakisha Jones
3. Gina Glocksen
2. Blake Lewis
1. Melinda Doolittle
Overall Rankings:
10. Sanjaya Malakar
9. Chris Richardson
8. Haley Scarnato
7. Chris Sligh
6. Jordin Sparks
5. Phil Stacey
4. Gina Glocksen
3. Lakisha Jones
2. Blake Lewis
1. Melinda Doolittle
I’ll stick with Sanjaya who obviously should have been long gone by now. Having said that, I’m convinced now that he will come in 7th or 6th, it would be difficult to survive after that. (Non Sanjaya pick: Haley Scarnato)
Hey babe! Thanks for the props! I totally agree with the whole Sanjaya thing – the poor kid. He can sing but he just isn’t in the same league as the other contestants. And you are right, the guest mentors have run out of “he’s a nice kid” phrases to use – somebody throw them a thesaurus next week.