by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

If someone asked you to pitch the craziest comedy you could think of, what would it be about? I bet it might be an old timey Western in the mountains with people dressed as animals. Writer/director Mike Cheslik certainly had a special idea when he came up with the latest must-see comedy of 2024, Hundreds of Beavers. Yes, you heard that right: beavers. But it is not just beavers… there are rabbits, raccoons, and wolves, too. And yes, they are all human beings running around in big suits you would see at an amusement park. 

But does Hundreds of Beavers live up to the promise? It is one of the most unique and fun comedies in years. Cheslik had a fantastic idea and ran with it. First off, the film is all shot in black and white to capture its vintage feel. But there are plenty of other little details, from circular framing to matte paintings. Oddly enough, it incorporates similar, impressive visual effects to Sin City. From a technical perspective, Hundreds of Beavers is one of the boldest and most impressive films out there. The edits, visual effects, practical effects, and lighting make for a completely engrossing and idiosyncratic experience. But it is not just the visuals. The sensibilities are perfectly retro as well. The slapstick comedy would make any Chaplin and Keaton fan proud. 

There are plenty of things going on visually, but does the story grab you, too? What is most impressive is that Cheslik sets up a protagonist who barely says anything, but we are behind him. Oafish but hard working and resourceful, our protagonist, Jean (Ryland Brickson Cole Tews), attempts to find a new career in fur trapping to impress a young woman whose dad is a trader. Simple, right? That is a relatable little twist, but it is the journey that is so outrageous. In one scene, we are playing around Looney Tunes-style with a violent but silly confrontation between man and beavers. In the next, we are watching this seemingly innocent young woman performing some seriously sexy pole dancing to get the attention of our protagonist. That is the kind of film this is. You might be concerned with tonal issues, but every scene is over-the-top and crazy to the point that it all just makes sense.

Hundreds of Beavers impresses you with everything on screen and its story, but how does it make you feel? Honestly, you will probably have a smile or smirk on your face for most of this film. Everything is just so absurd and wild that you will not be able to resist. But there are some interesting diversions that make it quite interesting. There are borderline horror elements, which are expertly shot and rendered with all the tension and suspense you expect from a thriller. We get other exciting and thrilling elements inside a beaver dam and in a giant chance sequence from the titular count of beavers. There is danger around every corner, and Cheslik balances fear and fun. You might even feel a little warm for the simple yet effective romance. 

Was this convincing enough for you? Hundreds of Beavers is one of the most unique and wild cinematic experiences you will have this year. There is a singular, wild, fun vision, and the technical achievements are on par with some of the most revered films around. This is such a strange mix of cartoon, meta humor, action/adventure, horror, romance and camp.

Rating: Loved It

Hundreds of Beavers is currently playing in theaters

You can read more from Shane Conto, and follow him on Instagram, and Letterboxd