by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

Have you ever experienced a serious falling out with a dear friend? There are so many reasons why such a friendship might fall to pieces over time. Time could honestly be the key. Humans just might naturally fade apart and drift away from each other. This might be the most frustrating, because there is no real reason for all of it. But there could also be a catalyst that triggers an emotional and traumatic experience. These fallouts are certainly common in situations where a tight group is put through a challenging experience. I have never experienced this, but being in a band is one such environment that can cause great tension. 

What is one of the most famous fallouts in the music industry? Pink Floyd and the ousting of original front man, Syd Barrett. Have You Got It Yet? is a poignant recounting of this legendary moment in music that shifted gears in the trajectory of rock music. This new documentary comfortably balances the needs of a music biopic, but is also a deep dive into the dynamics of human beings in tumultuous times together. When looking at the history of Pink Floyd, this is quite a straightforward presentation. But that gives this film the structure to be able to explore the deeper meanings that line the film. 

What is this film’s core idea about Barrett and his dynamics with his bandmates? There was something tragic in the way this story played out. This is not an easy watch of the history of a band. There is plenty of regret in the words and experiences of his bandmates. The words of David Gilmour and Roger Waters (especially towards the end of the film) are harrowing and poignant. The regret feels so real. And the acknowledgment of how fragile our memories and biased they can be hits impactfully. There is a daring perspective that is portrayed in what otherwise feels like just another rock documentary. We hear from the colleagues, friends, family, and bandmates of Barrett who paint such a tragic, sensitive, and inspiring look at such a talent. You feel the wasted potential so vividly. 

What would this film be without the music? These songs hit so much deeper, for some reason, in this film. “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” has always been about the outstanding genius of Barrett, but when it plays in between these words and perspectives around the falling out and parallel journeys of Barrett and Pink Floyd, there is a whole new level of resonance that it takes on. The music of Pink Floyd is legendary. Early Floyd is dynamic and ethereal in a way that is hard to explain. The sound landscape that this film tackles is unexpected and powerful. Even when we reach the credits, there is a whole new level of musical experience that hits so deeply accompanying this layered tale. 

Is Have You Got It Yet? a journey worth taking? If you are a fan of music (and rock music in general), this is an eye-opening experience. We have heard the songs (and loved many of them), but nothing quite hits like the perspective portrayed in this new documentary. Even if you are not a fan of Pink Floyd or rock music in general, it is hard to deny the human story portrayed in this film, and the tragic journey that comes to life in every frame. 

Score: 8/10

Have You Got It Yet? is currently playing in theaters

You can read more from Shane Conto, and follow him on TwitterInstagram, and Letterboxd