by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

How much can be made from a film focused completely on a donkey? That might seem like a strange thought, but one film proves that this just might be a brilliant idea. Seeing the world through the eyes of an innocent animal can provide some shocking revelations about humanity. I think it is obvious that humans do not treat animal life in the best of ways, but it is another thing to see it all from the perspective of the animals themselves. One filmmaker over in Poland took on this challenge, and may have delivered one of the most shocking and surprising films of the year. That filmmaker is Jerzy Skolimowski, and that film is EO

What does this Polish film tackle through the eyes of a donkey? From start to finish, we experience this journey through our titular animal’s eyes. We see violence done upon them. We see the violence done upon other animals. We see the love that humans can have for animals. In the end, we see the unfortunate results of human indecency towards animals. Skolimowski sheds a biting look at the way that humans treat each other and animals alike. There are plenty of shocking and moving moments throughout. 

How does Skolimowski bring this unexpected film to life? This might be one of the most uniquely shot films of the year. Every shot is filled with personality. The framing of each shot is sharp and raw in its presentation. It is a beautiful film to look out at. When Skolimowski is going for a more visceral approach to how the world is seen, there are some unnerving moments tinted completely in red. This effect channels some of the boldest filmmaking choices of directors like Kubrick, specifically with how he created his negative world for 2001: A Space Odyssey. The way that the camera interacts with our donkey protagonist creates an impressive effect. The intimate framing of the donkey’s face evokes so much emotion, and allows the audience to really feel it. The camera is used expertly to channel the feelings and thoughts of this animal. It almost feels like we can read exactly what is going on in its head. That is fascinating and does wonders for the effectiveness of the protagonist. There are no cheesy actor internal voice overs or cheap narration. We can connect and do that work for ourselves. Now where is my Godzilla with zero human characters? 

Does the donkey itself pull its own weight? This donkey just might give one of the strongest performances of the year. This might all sound crazy, but bear with me. The facial expressions might be limited, but the context is produced through some more creative means. Like I mentioned before, the camera does a lot of heavy lifting so we can just see the donkey in action. We see fear and sadness — there is a heartbreaking shot of just one eye as it lets out a tear. We see love and affection reciprocated to those who showed tenderness to EO. We even see this donkey act and escape imprisonment multiple times, take the action to some bad people, and show strength in the face of terrible events to come. Good on this donkey, and the film built around it. 

Is this the most unique film you will see all year? 2022 turned out to be a year of a few impressive films that push the boundaries of expectations and what is possible on film. Others might be crazier and bolder, but this film is deeply moving, and provides a perspective seen so few and far between on film. Expert direction and a game non-human lead allow the audience to see a feature length narrative through the eyes of a donkey. No punches are pulled. No manipulation is offered. This is a raw and compelling dive that will certainly open even more eyes to the importance of our relationship to animals and the actions of many people across Europe. EO is a must-see film that will hopefully change behavior and give perspective to the actions of people, specifically in Europe. 

Score: 10/10

EO is currently playing in theaters

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