by Mike Hilty, Contributing Writer

There are certain genres of movies or television that are tried and true. Certain stories always find ways to be retold in ways that could make them more interesting. A genre that tends to have content told in very similar ways is the romantic comedy or general love story. Most movies are the same: two people meet, they begin their courtship or friendship, they have a conflict about why they can’t be together, and then they find a way to be together. There’s a reason why the romantic comedy genre is popular, though. Even though it’s been done to death, there’s something about it that people love. The real trick is doing something different and then people will start to take notice.

Entergalatic is a Netflix special created by Kid Cudi. The special revolves around neighbors Jabari (voiced by Kid Cudi) and Meadow (Jessica Williams), who, after a chance encounter at a party, fall for one another. The two encounter issues along the way that prevent them from being together, but they both have to decide whether or not being together is the right call. 

I need to get this off my chest: I have no idea why this is called a special. I kind of wish Kid Cudi or Netflix committed to just calling this a movie. It is what it is, with it but it just bothered me a little.

That will probably be the most negative thing I have to say about Entergalatic because I really enjoyed it.

The love story here from a general standpoint is very similar to movies we’ve seen in the past. Jabari and Meadow meet, and then their courtship begins. They hang out a few times after that, before eventually giving in and falling for one another. The conflict feels pretty manufactured, especially considering that it’s the most 21st century thing that could happen to a couple. A misunderstanding around social media causes Meadow to think twice about what she’s doing with Jabari and she decides she can’t do it anymore. After spending some time apart, they both realize they really like one another. The story feels a little generic at times, and feels like something we’ve seen in the past movies.

What you have not seen in past movies is this gorgeous and unique animation style.

I’ll give credit where credit is due: the animation and effects in Entergalatic are absolutely stunning. The use of colors and the different styles really stand out. Couple that with the use of really amazing music, and you have a truly one-of-a-kind experience. I found myself pausing and rewatching certain sequences because they were that beautiful. For a short 90-ish minute special, I really could have used more to watch. Having this take place in New York makes it also feel larger than life. The animation paints New York as this magical place where dreams can come true for those who work hard for it.

Cudi and Williams give really great performances. They have great chemistry with one another, and manage to tell a moving story together. As characters, they both have individual agency, and they’re both artists. Meadow is a talented photographer, and Jabari is a graffiti artist who is on the cusp of something truly great. This animation is a perfect way to capture how meaningful their art is to them. This really feels like a true celebration of what art can be for individuals, while also showing how wonderful art can be to telling a story.

I like how adult this special is. There are some great moments with Jabari and Meadow’s relationship, but they also have some moments as adults that causes their relationship some distress. Jabari’s ex, Carmen (Laura Harrier), complicates things between the two. In addition, they have conversations about why they shouldn’t date a neighbor. This has the hallmarks of a relationship that requires work. This doesn’t feel like a high school romance or any type of relationship that doesn’t feel realistic. Jabari and Meadow really do care about one another, and the ending in particular feels that way.

I also thought this special was really funny. There are some genuine comedic beats, including a sequence at a party that I found really funny. The discussions that Jabari and Meadow have about vegan burgers, among numerous other topics, had me laughing pretty hard. Props to the writers Kid Cudi, Kenya Barris, and Ian Edelman for making Entergalatic a funny movie along with compelling characters.

Entergalatic is a very different type of romantic comedy. Sure, the story is a tale as old as time. It’s a boy meets girl story. The characters, the humor, and the animation, though, will make this stand out for years to come. I could watch more stories like this, in this animation style, for a long time.

Score: 9/10

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