by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

What are the elements of culture that truly define it? We all have belief systems and perspectives on the world. Every culture has their own customs from how they live their lives to how they express themselves. The reason you are reading this article right now is that you are interested in art (in particular, the art of film). Art is the way any culture expresses so many emotions and ideas. One of the most impactful is music. We sing to express our feelings and put into words those ideas that are so hard to process. When I come across a good documentary about music, that is always a special moment. 

What makes Take Me to the River: New Orleans so special? First off, it is New Orleans. This is one of the true culture hubs in our country. There are few cities that have such a specific personality as the city of New Orleans. The jazz and blues that pours out from this city is one of the most impactful and moving music in the art form. There are plenty of films that have previously captured this spirit, but Martin Shore’s film is full of soul. There are many aspects of the film that thread together to capture the big picture of this musical landscape. But who should be our guide throughout this journey? New Orleans local and film titan John Goodman, who also got to be a piece of New Orleans cinematic magic in The Princess and the Frog

What is the heart of this soulful film? The focus on the studio sessions is a real treat. There are few things more magical in a film about art than seeing the artists living in their creative process. There are so many wonderful artists that are highlighted throughout Take Me to the River. One highlight of the film is getting to see the Neville brothers working together and creating musical magic. The intimacy and interactions caught on film are engaging and intriguing. You see the gears turning and the music sprouting. This same energy made such projects like The Beatles: Get Back such a hit last year.

But how does Shore fill out the rest of this film to give the big picture of New Orleans? The film does not just stop at presenting these artists and their creative process. Shore spends time painting the broader cultural landscape of New Orleans. There are many events and historical touchpoints that have shaped the city and the film is able to highlight some of them. Hurricane Katrina is probably one of the most heavily utilized events in films about the city. Why is it so significant for this film about music? The resilience and call for unity. Music brings people together and makes people feel the culture of New Orleans once again. 

What makes this film worth a watch? If you love music, this is a must see. The world of music is incredible, and New Orleans captures such a diverse and moving palette. There is passion from Goodman’s soulful narration to the poignant music that films out the film. There are other films that might be more dynamic and bolder technically, but few music documentaries can match Take Me to the River: New Orleans‘ soul. 

Score: 8/10

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