by Shane Conto

At this point in time it seems like Netflix is just pumping out an endless stream of new content. This has made it increasingly hard to keep up with all of the content that they have. But what can make a film standout in this endless sea of content? A great concept can sure go a long way. When someone asks “What is this movie about?”, it is always great to have a catchy and succinct summary to grab their attention. That is exactly what Project Power has going for it. Here is the perfect question to sum up the film.

What would your power be if a single pill could activate special powers inside of you?

Throw in the fact that these pills are illegal and involve unethical experimentation on people and you got yourself an exciting crime thriller on your hands.

The directorial tandem of Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman first caught my attention with their hyper-energy, teenage thriller Nerve. I got to see that film during a one-night special discount showing at AMC when it released and it was full of fun! Joost & Schulman are able to get that same energy and inject it into the heart of this new Netflix thriller. Project Power is full of high-energy and visually-styled action sequences that do a great job of showcasing all of the different powers that the characters have. These powers are all based off of animals and it is a fresher take on such stories like X-Men. The device of taking the pills is used well to build tension and create some mystery as well. Throw in a bumping, modern score and you have some exhilarating action. The most inspired sequence is highlighted by a violent reaction to the pill as someone struggles inside a glass cage and an intense fight happens on the outside. Joost & Schulman definitely have inspired eyes for actions.

For the film that hits around 1 hour and 45 minutes without credits, it is able to keep up its maniac pace.

Mattson Tomlin’s screenplay does a nice job at making what might seem like a derivative concept of superpowers feel fresh and different. The need for the pills and the limited time of their effects accomplish that. The main cast of the film is made up of a cop, a mysterious man trying to find the source of the pills, and a young girl who gets involved with helping the cop catch users. The cop is a good man who is trying to stop the spread of these drugs but will go as far as taking them himself to do so. He cares about the young woman he recruits to help him on his mission. Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers a charismatic performance as he channels his inner Eastwood (but actually has an interesting Clifton Collins Jr vibe to him). Young actress, Dominique Fishback, holds her own alongside her adult counterparts. She is smart and strong with her own power in regards to her rapping skills. This character is the primary component in portraying the themes of finding your “power” within.

The real centerpiece in terms of the cast is Jamie Foxx. Foxx does his thing by providing scene-stealing charisma at every turn.

Whenever he is on screen, the film feels like it is on another level. He provides the emotional crux of the film as he has strong motivations that become more apparent as the film goes on. Unfortunately, where the film falls short is the antagonists. Besides the different powers that the different henchmen have, there is not a lot of characterization in any of them. From lower level hoods, all the way to the top of this nefarious plot, none of them are memorable in any way. What are their motivations? Who is involved? You can probably guess them without even watching the film.

Are you in the mood for some high energy action and thrills this weekend? Do you want some fun and charismatic performances from some A-list stars? Can you appreciate some visually appealing and uniquely rendered genre effects? Netflix has you covered with Project Power.

A pair of young and talented directors deliver a big win for Netflix and venture into bigger budget films.

Grade: B