By Ben Davis

Since May 25th 1977, Star Wars has dominated and permeated itself in the cultural zeitgeist. On December 20th 2019, The Skywalker Saga comes to an epic conclusion with the release of Star War Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. With that in mind, I figured I could take you guys on a bit on a journey in order to prep myself for what is to come in The Rise of Skywalker. You see, Star Wars means the world to me; it’s why I love movies. Its timeless tale of hope, redemption, and discovery of one’s self has always resonated with me. With that being said, I binged the complete Skywalker Saga and have now ranked the greatest franchise in film history.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Re-watching any Star Wars film brings back special memories, but The Phantom Menace does so in particular. I saw this film at the height of my childhood in the summer of 1999. In fact, I saw it before the 12:01 premiere. I guess you could say I “know people” (not really, I just have a super awesome cousin who was a manager at a theater and let us into the employee screening the night of the 12:01 premier). Watching it today, I still find myself caught up in the magic and wonder of the force. Learning of its teaching from the coolest Jedi in the galaxy, Qui-Gon-Jinn—wonderfully portrayed by Liam Neeson—is the best part for me. It goes without saying, but I also love John Williams’s score. Duel of The Fates playing in the background of the climatic lightsaber duel at the end still sends chills down my spine. Lastly, I know it’s not popular, but I like Jar-Jar Binks. I know it’s the cool thing to hate on the character, but he hit me at the perfect age and I can’t help but smile when I see him on screen. In short, this movie still holds up the magic and wonder and is the perfect entry into a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Grade: A

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of The Clones

As I’ve said previously, I love Star Wars; but this one…eh. Look, it’s not all bad —in particular the action, the Obi-Wan sub plot, and that glorious last 30min. What really holds this movie down, though, is the very important chemistry that’s not all there with Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman. To their defense, they do what they can with the dialogue they are given, but it’s still very cringe-worthy to this day. That’s not to say, though, that outside of that they don’t do well with their characters. In particular Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker. Upon my re-watch, I found I personally—and I know I’m in the minority—I think he’s perfect for the role. His confession scene to Padme is some very underrated work from him. All in all, while this chapter has a few big setbacks, it’s still incredibly entertaining and fun minus the romance; it’s coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere. 

Grade: B-

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith

This is it. This is what everyone has been waiting for. This is the Greek Tragedy of Star Wars where Anakin Skywalker succumbs to the dark side and becomes the evil Darth Vader. Revenge of The Sith is absolute perfection. This binge really just further drives it home for me. It’s exhilarating, fun, action packed; yet, it’s tragic, sad, and the darkest of all the Star Wars films (Younglings!!!). This is easily the Star Wars film I’ve watched the most, but, the older I get the more I find it difficult to watch. Not because it’s bad, but because it’s heart-wrenching to see this young man we’ve watched grown up from a hopeful 9 year-old boy to the now deeply troubled person he’s grown to be. Anger, jealousy, hatred, and the fear of everything he fears to lose are all what drive him further down this doomed fate. This movie truly belongs to Ian McDiarmid, though. He’s wickedly sadistic and charming as the devil incarnate himself, Palpatine. One of—if not—the most beloved villains of all time, McDiarmid is on fire in this movie! He plays Palpatine so well and every scene involving him and Anakin is a treat. Watching this dastardly villain dig his claws into Anakin is both sad, yet, fascinating to watch. This movie stands tall on the high ground. 

Grade: A+


Before turning this movie on I did some research on all the behind-the-scenes drama that went into making Solo. The original directors were fired 80% of the way through shooting, cast members were replaced, and the buzz surrounding Solo was eclipsed by the turmoil going on within the Star Wars fandom after the release of The Last Jedi. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure most audiences didn’t want—or were interested in—a Han Solo movie. I put my blu-ray in for Solo and I caught myself smiling from ear-to-ear about it. What Ron Howard was able to do with all the aforementioned production issues is nothing short of a miracle. Solo is the swashbuckling space pirate movie I never knew I needed. It’s fun, engaging, and in reality a good look at the character of Han Solo who—at the end of the day—just wants so desperately to be the bad guy, but as Qi’ra says “he’s the good guy.” I guess you could say this is a good look at what might come down the line in future installments…(Ben Solo)

Grade: A- 

Rogue One

Much like Solo, Rogue One had serval production issues and unscheduled reshoots (reshoots are usually normal for bigger productions). These reshoots were very public and also very noticeable if you watched the trailers. When I first watched this movie I loved it—much like every one else. However, upon several re-watches—this one included—the movie has lost a bit of its luster for me. The first 45min are a mixed bag; between its break-neck pace and its lack of character development it doesn’t quite find its footing. That’s not to say there aren’t some bright spots in there. Chirrut Îmwe is wonderfully played by Donnie Yen, K2-SO is my favorite droid in the franchise, and Ben Mendelsohn is fantastic as the cut-throat Director Krennic. Aside from that though, the first half of this movie is missing that special Star Wars Magic. However, the second act is absolutely fantastic. It’s a full on war film set in the Star Wars universe like we’ve never seen before. It’s brutal, relentless, and everything involving Darth Vader is absolutely fantastic. In closing, what this movie lacks in the first half is completely made up for with an incredibly satisfying second act. Rogue One is one with the force and the force is with it.

Grade: B

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

This is the one that started it all. On May 25th 1977 Star Wars was released and cinema and pop culture would never be the same again.  I wouldn’t get introduced to this film till much later, January 1997 to be exact, when my parents took me and my siblings to go see it in theaters upon the special edition release. I don’t remember all of it—I was 2—but what I do remember is how captivated I was seeing Luke turn on that lightsaber for the first time. It was in that moment that Star Wars became my favorite thing and would be a special thing in my heart for years and years. Watching it now, I’m realizing how timeless and hopeful it is. I’m also appreciative of the fact that it takes its time and is slower, but, once this freight train starts moving there’s no slowing it down. The force is strong with this one.

Grade: A

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

If you ask any Star Wars fan what their favorite Star Wars film is, I guarantee the answer you will get 9 times out of 10 will be The Empire Strikes Back; and I gotta tell ya, I would agree with that consensus. This film is absolutely flawless and perfect in each and every way possible. From its iconic score, to the introduction of Yoda, to the incredible twist at the end, The Empire Strikes Back is absolutely and unquestionably my favorite film of all time. My big take away upon re-watching was just how well the characters and their arcs are handled. All the characters have have a beginning, middle, and end and not a moment within this chapter feels wasted; it all has a purpose and serves each character. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a masterpiece. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Grade: A+

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of The Jedi

Fun fact: I watched this movie so many times as a child that the VHS tape stopped working. That’s how much I loved this movie growing up. I just thought Luke Skywalker was the coolest hero I had ever seen. Donning all black and rocking a green lightsaber, I used to emulate him in my backyard on a daily basis. Re-watching it I still feel the same. The opening sequence at Jabba’s palace is one of the most satisfying sequences in film history. Getting to see Luke go full Jedi Knight on the most infamous Hutt in the galaxy brings out my inner child every time. The third act I still contend is the greatest space battle in film history and the climatic duel in the Emperors throne room is some of the best filmmaking I’ve seen. This of course is the chapter where The Empire is defeated and Vader chooses family/love over power, sacrificing himself to save his son and finally defeat Palpatine (or did he?). Seeing this act of redemption really struck a nerve with me as a child and still does to this day. The idea that you while you may mess up and commit atrocities, that there’s always a chance to walk away and make the right choices is something I still hold in my heart to this day. Now, I understand that this is Star Wars and its an exaggeration of real life messages, it still applies. “No ones ever really gone.”

Grade: A

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens 

It honestly feels just like yesterday when I heard the news that Disney purchased Lucasfilm. I was ecstatic because for the first time in several years, I felt like Star Wars was alive and well. Prior to this, all we had was the very hit and miss expanded universe keeping it alive and there was still a stigma about the prequels—it’s only now that they’re looked upon more fondly. The build up and promotion for The Force Awakens was unlike anything I had ever seen or felt before. It was a mix between unbridled excitement and anxiety. When the movie finally hit cinemas, I was so overjoyed at how much I enjoyed it that I went back to see it 3 more times. Watching it again brings back all those warm fuzzy feelings I got watching it for the first time and it fills me with joy. The Force Awakens is really an achievement and was able to bring this franchise roaring back into the mainstream. The thing that sets this chapter apart from all the rest is that The Force Awakens really feels like a fairytale. You have this dark prince in Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (played wonderfully by Adam Driver) and this scrappy scavenger with a heart of gold destined for greatness in Rey (played by the wonderful Daisy Ridley) at the heart of the story. These two co-protagonists have a chemistry and tension between them that was set up very subtly, but very effectively. The belonging they seek is not behind them, it is in front of them.

Grade: A+

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Fan fact: I was so excited for The Last Jedi that I saw it not once, not twice, but three times in 24hrs—two of which were back-to-back. I have to be honest; I love this movie. The build up to The Last Jedi was so extreme. People had so many theories about how it was gonna go and how they thought it was gonna go. These were impossible expectations to live up to and naturally a lot of people revolted against this movie. For me, though, I find The Last Jedi to be the most mature and introspective Star Wars film to date—especially upon re-watch. Its characterization of Luke is something I greatly admire and I find 100% in character to him. He’s not perfect, but he rises to the occasion and does the most baller Jedi act in history when it’s all said and done. Still though, the main thread through this trilogy the more I watch it seems to be the connection between Kylo/Ben and Rey. The tension and the will they/won’t they of their bond is so incredibly fascinating and speaks to the inner hopeless romantic within me. We come to find out within their bond that while they’re on apposing sides, they have much more in common than they both realize, and what separates them is really thin. I guess come December 20th we’ll find out where their destiny lies. “Darkness rises, and light to meet it”. 

Grade: A+


  1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
  3. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith
  4. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens 
  5. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of The Jedi
  6. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  7. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 
  8. Solo
  9. Rogue One
  10. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of The Clones