by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

Is there anything new or fresh to offer up in the romantic comedy and romance genres? We have seen so many different types of love stories with all types of people put on screen. We have seen filmmakers take plenty of different approaches to bringing these stories to the big (and small) screen. But sometimes we are lucky enough to get the right combinations of direction, performances, style, and story to create an experience that feels new and engaging. Luckily Hulu has a new film coming your way that will grab your attention. 

What makes the new festival darling, Rye Lane, a worthwhile romantic to journey on? Director Raine Allen Miller delivers plenty of style, along with some quality substance. Their fish-eye camera lenses are a bold choice. Some of the overhead shots are dynamic and provide a unique experience for the viewer. The colors are bold and bright in every frame. We feel the vibrance of the world our characters inhabit as well. There are even a few moments where Miller delivers some unique storytelling elements, like one character commentating on the other’s memories. This is how you make a tired genre come to life. 

What are the most important elements of a love story? Those who fall in love. Dom (David Jonsson) is a sad man when we meet him. He has been dumped, and his ex is still hanging over him and involved in his life. We can empathize with Dom (many of us have been there too), and he is a kind man worth rooting for. Jonsson instills plenty of empathy in his performance — it is key to Dom’s journey for the audience to get behind him. He might be a bit awkward and gets into some shenanigans (injecting some cringe comedy along the way), but we support him every step of the way, and Jonsson is a big reason for that. 

But it takes two to tango, right? Yas (Vivian Oparah) is the woman who comes into Dom’s life and changes it all up. Oparah is confident and commanding for so much of the film that we fall for her too. She is full of charisma and lights up the screen. She has a dynamic presence, and Yas becomes the perfect balance for Dom. Their chemistry is electric, and we can see them process their heartbreak together and see them mend them together. 

With two great characters and performances, what story do we get to journey on? As I stated before, Dom and Yas are both getting over some heartbreak. Dom has been dumped, and Yas’ situation is… complicated. We get to go on this journey with the two of them and slowly pull back the layers on their former relationships, which in turn adds layers to their characters. This helps Miller keep the audience engaged and invested. We journey through cringey “meeting the family” moments, as well as awkward moments with our protagonists’ exes. By the end, we have just sat through an amazing and wonderful journey. 

Did Miller just offer up a fresh romance that will catch you by surprise? Hopefully after reading this review, it won’t surprise you too much. This has great potential to be the romance of 2023, and it will be sitting on Hulu waiting for you. There are three talented artists (Miller, Jonsson, and Oparah) who rise above this tired genre and deliver one of the best films of the year so far. 

Score: 9/10

Rye Lane will be streaming on Hulu on March 31

You can read more from Shane Conto, and follow him on TwitterInstagram, and Letterboxd