by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

What should you expect from a documentary when “Blumhouse Pictures” pops up during the credits? For Jason Blum to get involved in a documentary, this must be one haunting true story. What can easily be said about Netflix’s new documentary is that it will make your skin crawl. Our Father is the story of dozens of people with one disturbing connection: they all have the same father. But that could be just the story of one very elusive man who gets around. But this story is much more sinister than that. This man was a doctor helping women get pregnant… with his own DNA. 

Is the story as haunting as it sounds? Director Lucie Jourdan sets the stage for an atmosphere that gets under your skin and just won’t go away. From the opening shot, there is a striking and textured feel to the dramatizations and interviews alike. There is a fine quality to the footage that makes the film even more engrossing. There is a dark richness to the atmosphere that builds an ominous look to the film, along with the eerie and unnerving music composed by Gregory Tripi. From the opening shot until the final frames of text, this film will penetrate you with horrible feeling. 

What makes this documentary stand out compared to all those other true crime documentaries you will find on Netflix? The compelling story and deep emotion make this one special. There are so many of the children of Dr. Donald Cline who put themselves out in front for all to see. They are vulnerable and shaken, as they articulate the horrible betrayal they feel from finding out that their conception was a lie. One of the stories is horribly uncomfortable when one of the daughters had been a client of her own father with him performing many fertility services. The number of tears and shaken moments that occur throughout this film will leave you reeling. But the most important thing is this film never feels like it is manipulating these people. They are given the chance to hear and provide a voice to their story.

Speaking of the other element that makes Our Father stand out, how compelling is this story? You will not be able to turn away. The structure of the documentary delivers an experience that never lets up. Jourdan knows when to peel back the layers, offering up new leads and revelations for the audience. This one will keep you glued to the screen and longing to find out what happens. The film gives plenty of different perspectives as well, as there are dozens of children who come forward to have their perspectives and experiences heard. What is even more shocking is the motivations and perspectives that motivated the work of Cline. You will be feeling incredibly perturbed listening to the words of Cline and his disturbing twist on his actions.

Is Our Father one of the new must-see documentaries on Netflix? This is a shocking story that needs to be heard. The voices of these victims need to be heard. The fact that dozens of doctors have violated women and families in this was messed up. But when it comes down to it, this is also an unnerving cinematic experience worth the stream. 

Score: 9/10

You can follow Shane Conto on TwitterInstagram, and Letterboxd  


  1. Totally agree …compelling, horrifying and to close for comfort! To see in real life a cult reminiscent to the Nazi belief that white is the only color!!

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