by Adam Ritchie, Contributing Writer

If you have not gotten around to watching After Life yet, let me tell you what you’re missing out on. Written and directed by the eponymous and (often) controversial Ricky Gervais, After Life is fundamentally about a man trying to cope with the death of his wife. He has given up on life, and is more than happy to live an honest, yet basic existence as he continues to deal with his mental health. The third and final season dropped to Netflix worldwide on January 14 to give the many fans of the show some closure. 

Before reading on, I have a couple of caveats to let you know that this may not be your metaphorical cup of tea, as with Gervais you can expect some very explicit language and utterly filthy (but hilariously timed and delivered) jokes. If this type of content easily offends you, then it’s best to skip the series altogether. On the other side of the coin however, After Life is brim full of heart and emotion as Gervais scripts his own life philosophies into his characters. 

So, what can you expect from season three? Honestly, much of the same as the first two seasons, but with more character development and closure for all the characters you have come to love and adore. Gervais leaves nothing at the door, and you will never go wondering what he really thinks of pretty much anything. Some may find this off-putting, but for me, his blunt honesty is just another reason to love him as he navigates the tough subjects we don’t often consider in depth during our daily lives. 

With this article, I won’t go into any detail about plot lines as all you really need to know is what as I mentioned above; it is much of the same, but is still superb viewing. Gervais’ sensibilities can make you a better person if you read between the lines and use his philosophies to self-reflect, and grow as a person. 

With only 6 episodes at roughly 25 minutes each, it is a pretty easy binge as the time flies by, and you will be wishing there was more. If you haven’t managed to see the first two seasons, I cannot recommend this enough. For the uninitiated, Gervais is the creator of The Office, Extras, Derek, and a few other great little series; however, After Life is easily his best writing, and his most heartfelt and meaningful work yet. You will need tissues, as there are some tear-jerking moments, and surprisingly enough, Gervais puts in a stellar performance along with the rest of the cast.  

Grade: A+ 

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