by Shane Conto

Let’s be honest…who saw this one coming? Borat arrived and shocked cinemas with its uncomfortably awkward humor and pure shock value. Everyone was quoting the film left and right as the film penetrated our society’s pop culture. But then times changed and fads faded away. 14 years has passed and Borat became a beloved spoof comedy for many people. But did any of those fans really believe a sequel would ever arrive? When would be the right time? What could possibly bring Sacha Baron Cohen’s hilarious character out of his exile? Ah yes…one of the most polarizing political climates in our country’s history would do the trick. Where the first film took aim at Baywatch star, Pamela Anderson, Borat: Subsequent MovieFilm goes for the great white whale…President Donald Trump. But not just him! How about roping in some of his closest allies like Vice President Mike Pence and lawyer Rudy Giuliani? Sounds like a perfect comedic plan to me.

First and foremost, is Borat: Subsequent MovieFilm actually funny?

Without a doubt, this is one of the funniest films to grace the screen in the last few years. I laughed so much through the run time of this film. Sacha Baron Cohen and his small army of screenwriters go to town and unabashedly go for it all. Do you want to see Borat play confusing language games at a clinic to convince a religious man that there is an incestuous unborn child that needs aborting? Or even disguise himself as President Trump and interrupt CPAC speech from VP Pence? Those only crack the surface! One of these gags is so cringeworthy and uncomfortable that it may harm the political career of one of the President’s closest confidants. So, is it funny? Without a shadow of a doubt, you will certainly be laughing (some of it is so mean-spirited that you might feel wrong for laughing).

The story itself has a very loose relation to the original while engaging the audience in a new and endearing relationship between father and daughter.

You heard that right…Borat brings his daughter along for the ride (or maybe more she snuck aboard for the ride). This relationship that builds between Borat and his daughter is quite endearing at times as she pleads to not lose her dad. But what are you supposed to do when you are promised as a sexual offering to either the Vice President or the President’s lawyer? Some of the gags feel like they can be a bit stale and the plot in general can be a bit thin, but with that being said, having dynamics like we do pose difficult situations. The humor is raunchy and biting in its political commentary. This long-gestating sequel actually has more of a brain than the original film. So much political commentary is squeezed in with a steady hand and sense of humor. 

Surprising no one, Sacha Baron Cohen feels like he never stopped playing Borat.

His energy and comedic timing are impressive. He has also begun to develop a following again thanks to his first film. Cohen owns every moment he is on scene…well unless his daughter is there. Maria Bakalova is a revelation as Borat’s daughter. Bakalova is a force on screen in this film and goes toe-to-toe with Cohen for laughs. If it wasn’t for the truly committed performances from both, I film like this would simply not work. There really isn’t any arguing that. I want to see more of them in another film…but we will have to see how things play out.

How do you top the unique and hilarious force that Borat was?

You add an equally funny costar that elevates every scene they are in. You make the film more poignant and biting about society. You pull out ALL the stops and go big. In all honesty, I think I will be re-watching Borat: Subsequent MovieFilm more than I will be watching the first. Oh…how timely is this film? This is a film that will leave you shaking with laughter and shook with how bright the spotlight is on our society. Check this film out! It will most certainly make you feel some ways.

Grade: B+