by Shane Conto

Now that it is Halloween time again, many cinephiles out there are getting in the spirit of the season and digging up their horror movie collections. It is the season for getting scared! But what films are your go to horror films? Do you get out your slasher movie collections like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, or Friday the 13th? Do you get weird and seek out your favorite A24 horror films that are unnerving yet incredibly crafted? Or are you a movie nerd and get out your favorite giallo flicks from Dario Argento (that one is honestly me)? But what if you are in the mood for some pulpy and retro flicks that have that nostalgic B-horror film feel? Time to get you so Blumhouse! Jason Blum is one of the most successful producers in the game with his trademark film production company. Even better this year…they struck a deal with Amazon. October brings plenty of new Amazon/Blumhouse collaborations to the streaming giant this year. Are you excited?

One of those new films streaming right now on Amazon is Nocturne.

This is a tale full of sibling rivalry, the drive for success, and some creepy imagery. Zu Quirke has plenty of talent and shows some of it in this film. Quirke is able to make certain aspects of the film work incredibly well while others may even feel like they just do not belong. This feels like the piano version of Whiplash…but someone decided to throw some paranormal and eerie plot threads because this is what people want from their horror films, right? So many people to consider, but don’t you want to make sure these bold choices add to the overall experience of the film? They do not necessarily do that in this film. But on the contrary, this particular film never feels like it’s owning those creepier elements and makes them a foundation of the film. Those scenes that add creep lights and strange visions for our protagonist never feel like they fit well with the rest of the film. Honestly, those moments feel a bit distracting and lessen the emotional impact of the drama at hand.

If the story was written more like a straight drama, things definitely would have been more effective.

Looking at those aspects of the film, the drama that is portrayed is effective and hard hitting. The main character, Juliet, is in the shadow of her talented sister, Vivian. After Juliet outshines her sister by performing her act at school, Juliet’s fortune begins to change. You have the building tension between the sisters that make up a large portion of the film. This thread is quite effective as it leads up to an emotional pay off towards the third act. Then you have a bit of a contentious relationship that brews between Juliet and her teacher. A few more significant dynamics fill out the plot and they are more interesting than the supernatural aspects at every turn. These dynamics really work too because of the committed performances. Sydney Sweeney delivers a strong central performance that calls for a variety of emotions and layers. Madison Iseman portrays Vivian. The scenes that the two young actors share are quite impressive.

But with all of these ups and downs, is Nocturne worth the stream this Halloween season?

If you are looking to be scared and creeped out, this film is definitely lacking in that department. Are you looking for some intense drama that will hit you hard? Then Quirke is able to deliver in that way. Quirke does deliver a well-crafted and effective film experience with this new venture for Blumhouse and Amazon. With the struggles of trying to balance these polar aspects, this film is a soft recommendation for those looking for a film to affect them.

Grade: C+