By Blake Hodges

1. A true movie journey

If you watch as many movies as I do, you start to feel the ebbs and flows of a story. Depending upon the minute mark, I normally know which phase of the movie we are in: intro, rising action, falling action, characters all fight, then the resolution. Dolemite Is My Name soars on its commitment to taking you on multiple ups and downs. This unpredictable up and down ride moves this from “just another comedy” to a true story. I can’t praise the film enough for accomplishing this type of a rollercoaster ride. In a time when movies have almost become predictable, Dolemite manages to surprise you.

2. Oscar Contender

Eddie Murphy has a whole slew of great movies. An actor with this type of catalogue has transcended fame and money. He is going after the one thing left on his accomplishments bucket list: an Oscar. Murphy essentially plays two different roles in one movie. Sometimes he is the charismatic Dolemite who is a character in and of himself. Other times he is the real life guy who inspired the film, Rudy. The stark difference of flipping between these two characters would be similar to switching between Monday Night Football and Saturday Night Live(wait, do people still know TV’s use to be watched with channels or did that reference just date me?). Dolemite is the picture of confidence while Rudy is the embodiment of a hustler fighting off the doubt of others and himself. If Murphy doesn’t win Best Actor, I don’t think it is outside the realm of possibility that he gets the Life Time Achievement award.

3. Do you enjoy laughter?

This movie is funny. Having Eddie Murphy back is like welcoming an old friend back into town. The guy has charisma and comedic timing in spades. Did I mention the surrounding cast is also stellar with each role? With a cast of this caliber bringing this true story to life, you can’t help but have a good time. The movie reaches to such insanity at times that you might be tempted to dismiss it but keep in mind this is a true story. The fact that all of this actually happened will have your jaw dropping throughout.

4. Dolemite is inspiring

This story is inspiring. Dolemite has as many years under his belt as he does dreams. Watching him reinvent himself, achieve his dreams, and continue to push forward through all of his doubters is good for the soul. Movies that can give you a good laugh are nice. If the movie can also have a good story then you have yourself a great movie. If a movie can also pack in a good deal of inspiration as well, then you have a well crafted cinematic cocktail. If you have a goal or a dream you can’t seem to hit and feel like you’re running out of time, come refill your motivation tank with this true under dog tale.

If Dolemite leaves you wanting more Eddie Murphy in your life, make sure to check out our “Top 10 Eddie Murphy Movies” list.