by Shane Conto

Who doesn’t know who Mads Mikkelsen is at this point? Mikkelsen is a talented Danish actor who has made a name for himself in America with roles in big franchises. He portrayed the villainous Le Chiffre in Casino Royale as well as Kaecilius in Doctor Strange. Mikkelsen really landed plenty of fans with his charming and deliciously evil performance as Hannibal Lecter. But have you ever seen him portray a regular person? That is where the talented Danish director Thomas Vinterberg comes in. Their previous work on The Hunt is exceptional and Mikkelsen gave the performance of his career. Now these talented artists are back at it again with their latest drama, Another Round.

What happens when four teachers decide that they need to make a change and try out being consistently intoxicated?

Hell…when I saw the synopsis I thought it might be the plot to a long awaited sequel to Old School. But please do not take that joke as a way to belittle this work. That would be a mistake. Another Round will surprise you at every turn. Vinterberg is a director who really has a command of his craft. The way he frames every scene, with the help of cinematographer Sturla Brandth Grovlen, is so purposeful and intimate. Whether it is a simple shot of Mikkelsen at the wheel of his car or taking a shower, they open the door for the actors to do their job. Mikkelsen certainly takes that pass and runs with it. There is a distinct sense of energy and personality in the way that Vinterberg creates his films. Another Round is intimate and engrossing as the audience is pulled into the lives of these four men. The film is moving and intense when it needs to be and features a dark sense of humor that feels natural. There is a human feel to the film that is relatable and feels natural. I know I was hooked all the way through its finale that is empowering and euphoric. Vinterberg is able to translate the catharsis of his protagonist straight to the audience in a moving way.

 The film doesn’t only deliver in a technical fashion either because the four characters and their actors deliver in spades.

Mikkelsen is the anchor to the film as he flounders in a life of distance from his wife, kids, and students. He is the driving force to the narrative as he is the first penguin into the water of this strange experiment. The subtlety in the way his relationships grow and refocus is powerful. The rollercoaster ride of his marriage is one of the most poignant aspects of the film. Will they be able to fix things after all this time? Mikkelsen is genuine and raw, causing the audience to buy-in for every step in his journey back to finding himself. Each of the other three actors also deliver meaningful performances that deliver on their narratives. The details of how they all act while their characters are intoxicated might seem like a small aspect, but they are so important for believability. Each man has plenty to carry in the film with broken families, struggling students, and leading a team but they all make them work. Each character has an interesting and involving journey even if some end in tragedy. The emotional impact of the film is so strong and lies on the shoulders of the actors along with their fearless leader in Vinterberg.

How many of you knew about Another Round before reading this review?

This foreign film will most definitely be making a splash come awards season. Hopefully, that means that many more of you will hear about it. Here is to hoping that this review has given you purpose for checking the film out too. Mikkelsen delivers one of the best performances of 2020 and Another Round is one of the best films you will see all year. 

Grade: A