by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

What cinephiles out there don’t love watching films about films? It is a common feeling to watch to learn more and engage more in the things that bring us joy. The meta nature of such an endeavor is something unique and special. I know I love to learn more behind the scenes of films, as well as the perspectives of those who created them. Obviously, the artists at the forefront are the actors that bring the material to life. There have been so many fantastic actors over the history of film, but on a rare occasion, a truly transcendent talent can strike a chord and make a generational impact. Marlon Brando was the most electric performer of his time. James Dean was on his way before he was struck down way too young. Then there is Val Kilmer.

What makes Kilmer so special? Many believed that he was going to be the next Brando. But he also shared the same reputation of being hard to work with. If you don’t believe people about either of them… just watch The Island of Dr. Moreau. But to be honest, reputation can be a tough thing to process. But who is this man? That is what Val goes out to show. This documentary from Amazon Studios is a dynamic and engrossing experience that really spoke to me. Did I ever think I needed a documentary about Val Kilmer in my life? Heck no… but I am so glad that there is. 

There are quite a few aspects of this film that impress along the way. Let’s start with your standard affair… the biopic. This film outlines the early life, career, and present of this dynamic actor. The early years are fun and tragic as Kilmer provides a robust collection of home videos of his family as well as the early cinematic works of his younger brother (a tragic story that creates one of the most engaging and emotional beats of the film). Kilmer’s family life was unique and created the needed environment to build up this young man as someone who would chase his dream of becoming a cinematic artist. And an artist is exactly what he is.

Kilmer’s career has certainly had an impact on the world of cinema. He has had a wonderful range of success with so many different roles. Whether it was an early comedic performance in Top Secret! or a raw and emotional performance as Jim Morrison in The Doors, Kilmer could do it all. The peak for me personally is the raw emotion and intensity that he brings alongside screen legends in Michael Mann’s Heat. Val can transition so well between these different periods of his life and that leads right up to the tragic modern times of Kilmer. It is hard to watch this man who is one of the most charismatic performers of generation be limited by such a horrible disease like cancer.

But this isn’t quite just a biopic about an actor. The film is able to feel unique as a documentary. The inclusion of Kilmer’s own footage creates a personal and intimate feel that many documentaries lack. You see deep beyond the curtain at who this man really is. It is just bonus points that we get to see plenty of other actors along the way as well. The fact that Kilmer struggles to speak now posed a challenge in getting his modern perspective on his life. The solution of Kilmer’s own son narrating his works is something special and emotional. The beautiful moments where the audience gets to see Kilmer still acting like himself with his present state of being is wonderful too. His charisma and presence are still there even if his voice is mostly gone.

Where does this documentary land in the large collection of works that we have gotten this year? Is this the most culturally relevant? Is it the most ambitious and experimental? Is it the most fun? It is none of those things. But it just might be my favorite. There is a beautiful energy about this film, tale, and man. Val captures that so well over the course of its nearly two-hour runtime. Head on over to Amazon and watch it right now.  

Grade: A

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