Twitter is like the McRib. I’m never sure how long it will be around, but you best be sure I will be partaking while it is.
My guess is that Twitter popularity has about peaked and will decline fairly rapidly over the next few years, especially as celebrities get bored with it, or conversely continue to use it for primarily promotional purposes. Facebook already does most things that Twitter does with more freedom and ease of use, so at some point I’m guessing Twitter will be so redundant that it will seem wasteful. Maybe I’m wrong and Twitter will end up as more of a Taco Bell Chili Cheese Burrito type promotional food, but I just have a hard time seeing it as staying on the menu.
Personally, my main issue with Twitter is that it is a horrendous time suck. To stay up to date with the celebs and friends that I “follow” takes a good chunk of my day. And unless I stay on it every few hours, I find myself with literally hundreds of tweets taunting me with their brazen unreadness.
So in order to live a balanced life, and make peace with a wife and kids who might enjoy the occasional eye contact and such, I’ve decided to limit the Twitter feeds I follow closely down to twenty, and even though it is Twitter convention to promote people to follow on Fridays (the infamous #ff), I think I’ll extend it and take the next 20 weekdays to countdown in order from awesome to most awesome the twenty at symbols that made the cut.

I just met Mr. Corey Mann a couple months ago during the infamous Orlando dancing incident of 2010. Thankfully his starring role in the proceedings took a little of the attention off my own spastic gyrations. Corey’s the type of guy that owns a room when he walks in and his tweets are no different. He’s charming and hilarious and yet isn’t afraid to plumb for depth and meaning (Sheesh, is this a Twitter recommendation or a dating personal?) My only complaint with his feed is that he is a Twitpic junkie, and I sometimes tire of clicking through to see the picture randomness, especially as voluminous a tweeter as he is. Still, he nails a high enough percentage that the deluge of tweets don’t seem tedious at all to wade through.
Twitter Profile: Mornings on Pulse FM/South Bend. Husband, Dad, Lover of Sillyness
Tweet of the Week: Trying to nap but there’s this annoying sound coming from our living room. I think it’s called HGTV