Plaza is continuing her impressive resume of indie films that allow her to shine bright.
Summering (Movie Review)
This preteen girl story was probably not the best direction to go for this director.
Claydream (Documentary Review)
Even if the storytelling is standard and some things are glossed over, this will have you reconsidering your perspective on this great art form
Ali & Ava (Movie Review)
Barnard shows that she can take familiar elements from silly and unbelievable romantic comedies and inject them into a mature drama
Paradise Highway (Movie Review)
The familiar beats and tropes cannot keep this quality thriller down.
I Love My Dad (Movie Review)
Even if you take the dive, you will probably be pushed away by how much Morosini is determined to push this idea off a cliff
A Love Song (Movie Review)
There is a beautiful duo of underappreciated actors who get the opportunity to shine.
Resurrection (Movie Review)
The film might lack a story and narrative standpoint by the time the credits roll, but the tension and suspense always deliver.
Hypochondriac (Movie Review)
This is a messy go, but still an unnerving and impactful experience with themes that have never been more relevant than they are today.
Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down (Documentary Review)
Won’t Back Down is full of heart and delivers one of the most inspiring tales that you will see all year.
Don’t Make Me Go (Movie Review)
If you can get past this third act shift, this is still a solid and enjoyable film.
My Old School (Documentary Review)
This is one of the most enjoyable documentaries around, so take advantage