by Shane Conto

What is the perfect secret ingredient to make any hipster relationship comedy that much better? Aliens! That is exactly what you are going to get with Bleecker Street’s latest sci-fi comedy, Save Yourselves! It is always a pleasant surprise when you watch a film that tries to mix genres together and nails it. Being able to walk that tightrope of hitting what makes each genre great without falling into tropes is quite impressive. When a young couple, Su and Jack, decide that they need to escape the bustling world of Brooklyn to unplug, they head up to upstate New York and enjoy some time in a cabin. The catch? No technology allowed. Can they do it? Will this little vacation save their relationship? Those are the questions we are posed as the film settles into its relationship-comedy plot, but then new questions begin to materialize.

Did they bring those ottomans with them? Where did the ethanol go? Then you know you are in for a treat with this film. 

The writer-director duo of Alex Huston Fischer and Eleanor Wilson have the task of creating a balanced tone and cohesive story with Save Yourselves! They go for the “silly” tone and it really works wonders for the film. Save Yourselves! delivers consistent laughs with a blend of sarcasm and absurd reactions (including a running gag of Jack waking up and yelling at things in his sleep). The laughs keep up the zippy pace for the film which is definitely needed when the plot of the film keeps us to this wooded cabin.

The couple at the center of the film have plenty of quirks and accurately capture the longing need for technology that so many young have.

They also encompass dueling places in life that would create tension in a relationship. Su is a driven woman who wants purpose and to move on into the next part of her life. Jack is a bit of a man child stuck in arrested development. Have you seen this dynamic before? Of course you have, but at least the performances are earnest enough to make their relationship engaging. Sunita Mani and John Reynolds are fantastic comedic leads as they deliver the dialogue with energy. A lot of the relationship discussions may have their cliches but the actors make it work. The commentary on technology is probably one of the more refreshing aspects of the film as this is something that can really drive a wedge in relationships. 

With all of this talk about relationships and technology, you all might have been wondering what about the aliens?

That is fair! The film takes its time in making that transition from a comedy into a full fledged alien sci-fi film. One of the best parts of an alien flick is the reveal. I sat and wondered throughout the film, what kind of aliens would they be? Are we getting the little green men trope? Are we getting large monsters that will scare you? Honestly, the aliens you get in this film fit the tone SO well. I will not take the satisfaction from you but trust me, what you get is a lot of fun. Save Yourselves! makes the transition between genres well as the slow burn leaves enough breadcrumbs to make it feel smooth.

What could have ruined this film is a jarring shift, but Huston Fischer and Wilson are able to navigate it well.

If you could sum up this film in just one word, “fun” would be the perfect descriptor. There are plenty of laughs to be had, silly alien hijinx, and two committed performances. Even though the script does not escape all of the potential tropes and cliches of both genres, being so earnest in its delivery does make up for it on some level. In a time when so many horrible things are going on in our world, a silly escapist flick like this might be the perfect remedy for 93 minutes. Save Yourselves! is such a delight so go check this one out!

Grade: B

Grade: B