(These are, in order, the 10 projects I enjoyed the most that I heard for the first time in 2008)
Making this list is probably the most difficult of all for me. I am a song guy at heart. It seems to me that the ranking favorite “albums” is quickly becoming like starting a “plus size” store and calling it “Fat Chicks”. You could do it, but your time might be better invested elsewhere. Still, some groupings of songs did manage to snag my interest enough in 2008 to give them a listen to more than once all the way through. These were they.
On to the Top 5!
5. Shine Through the Stars (Chasen) – From the first few bars of “Crazy Beautiful” I was hooked. The music was somehow both familiar and modern and at the same time fresh and classic. It’s not as if Chasen has broken any sort of revolutionary ground with this album, but it feels like it. Something about the passion, the writing, and the composition of these songs just feel better than every thing else that plays in this field. Each song is a testament to artistic nuance and technical skill.

3. Revelation (Third Day) – It’s about time! I remember being blown away by Third Day’s first album over a year ago and thinking about what an amazing career this band had ahead of them with such a solid rock vibe and a unique lead singer. Well, they have had an amazing career, but it has been with a different sound than I had imagined. Not bad, by any stretch of the imagination, just not with the voice and brand I had discovered in that first self titled gem, until now. Revelation is easily my favorite Third Day album of all time and returns Mac Powell to a passionate rock vocalist fronting a killer sound. This album may sell half the copies of the Praise and Worship stuff they did, but I will be forever thankful for a return to the Third Day I fell in love with many years ago.