Best Top 4 ever taking the stage tonight and Slash is is the coach’s seat. Yeah, baby. OK, fine, my street cred with 80s Rock is pretty lame, but tonight I shall pretend that that I live and breathe the electric guitar solo. Let’s Rock!!
Adam Lambert, “Whole Lotta Love” – Adam is in his element that much is obvious, but I wasn’t a big fan of that song or that performance. I still think his fanbase should get him to the final 2, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, too many people are put off by him to let him win this thing. Congratulations to whoever makes the final two with him. (B-)
Allison Iraheta, “Cry Baby” – So far two for two in the underwhelmed department. Nothing technically inaccurate about that performance, but I was kinda nodding off during parts. (C)
Kris and Danny, “Renegade” – The duets thing is not gonna work for me. It’s just too weird. I guess they did ok, some of the harmonies were nice, but it just seemed forced. No grades for duets.
Kris Allen, “Come Together” – Maybe I’m not seeing straight because he is my new favorite, but I thought that performance was better than The A names put together. I hope Kris sticks around this week because he might just win if he does. (B+)
Danny Gokey, “Dream On” – So Danny is going to try and pull off the Adam scream, eh? I’ll believe it when I hear it. He is certainly trying to stretch himself which is nice to hear, but I’m sure that song was a poor choice. Yikes, I’m going with a no comment on the screaming. (C-)
Allison and Adam, “Slow Ride” – I really don’t know what to say. Seriously, the duet thing just isn’t working for me. Whatever, don’t do that to me again Idol, I don’t know what to do with it.
My Favorites
1. Kris Allen
2. Danny Gokey
3. Adam Lambert
4. Allison Iraheta
Best Tonight
1. Kris Allen
2. Adam Lambert
3. Allison Iraheta
4. Danny Gokey
Who will go home:
Here’s the theory that I’ve been espousing to anyone who will listen to my ramblings. Allison and Kris are in danger this week and one of them will go home, the other one actually has a legitimate shot at winning the whole thing. Especially if they knock it out of the park next week. Part two of this theory is that Adam Lambert cannot win Idol, he just doesn’t have the votes. The more people that go home, the more votes that then go to other people, NOT HIM. If you are voting for Lambert you have been for a while now, and if you aren’t I don’t think you ever will. Keeping this in mind, this means that whoever can make the final two with him WILL WIN, and if Danny’s voting block gets lazy, he very well could come in third sending the Kris/Allison survivor on to victory. I’m still thinking Danny will win, but it would not surprise me in the least if Kris or Allison did. Lambert is the only winner that would shock me. I’ll go ahead and predict an Allison departure tonight, but it could just as easily be Kris.
The Order it Will Go
4th Allison
3rd Danny
2nd Adam
1st Kris (I’m delusional, I know, leave me alone)