I’m not sure if I want these 12 to be better than last week or if it’s more enjoyable to have chaff to dispose of. I think when all is said and done I’m rooting for worthy contestants, but lets just say last week left me on the shy side of confidence in the judges selections. If nothing else, Nick Mitchell (aka Norman Gentle) should add some fun to the evening. In the new format we might as well just send “The Welder” through without even singing. If “The Oil Rig Guy” can get through on his lame performance, certainly Weldy McWelderson has nothing to worry about.
Jasmine Murrey, “Love Song”– Well, so much for hoping for good singing tonight. Did she even hit a right note in that song? Not only didn’t she sing it well, it was completely boring. I’m settling in for a long night. (C-)
Matt Giraud, “Viva La Vida” – Ooooh, Coldplay. That’s courageous, which is differentiated from stupid by the thinnest of lines. Ouch, this is not going to be pretty once again. That was ridiculously horrible. I can’t believe he just killed one of my favorite songs. I will not forgive you for this Matt Giraud, you are dead to me. (C-)
Jaenine Vailes, “This Love” – Another modern classic, Maroon 5, will they never learn? Oh wow, I’m done. I really can’t bear the thought of just sitting here all night typing how horrible each and every one of these guys are. It’s really starting to look bad for these judges’ credibility (wait, did they have that?). Do the math, of the 15 performances we’ve seen so far 11 of them have been flat out unlistenable, and only 1 could be called amazing. Seriously if the next one is this bad again, I’m only typing something again, when I have something nice to say. (D+)
Nick Mitchell, “You’re Gonna Love Me” – LOL. And if you know me my Ls are usually not OL. If the show is about entertainment, dude goes through easy. But singing? If I’m being honest (whoa that’s a Simon thing to say), nah, can’t put him through (though he was better than anyone else this week so far), but entertainment value, through the roof. (B-)
Allison Iraheta, “Alone”– This is starting off very well for Allison. Has control of her voice, seems to be in the moment, in the song. The chorus may have stretched her a bit, but she managed to pull it off. My only fear for her is that she may suffer like what’s his name did last week. We don’t know her yet. We shall see what the rest of the estrogen brigade brings this evening, but she did very well. (B+)
Kris Allen, “Man in the Mirror” – Why pick Micheal? Why? I mean maybe later, but you just can’t sing an MJ song and get away with it. The only time it’s worked is when DC did “Billie Jean” last year, and that was only because he didn’t do the original, he did the Chris Cornell rethink. Having said that, he did ok, but I don’t think he has much of a shot at getting through based on song choice and recognizability. (B-)
Megan Corkrey,”Put Your Records On”– This is a perfect example of picking the right song. Great tune, but one that many people haven’t heard and one that stands out and fits your vocal range and style. I’m actually not sure Megan has all that great a voice, but she nailed the song choice. (B)
Matt Breitzke, “If You Could Only See” – A very middle of the road performance from our resident man who uses fire to combine metals. I can’t decide if he connects with America in the same way that sent our oil worker through, but right now I’m leaning towards no. (C)
Jesse Langseth, “Bette Davis Eyes” – You know what I think happened? I think the Norman Gentle performance put everybody at ease. Nobodies been amazing, but the stage doesn’t seem to be chewing people up like it was before Normy boy put it at ease. Once again, pretty mediocre, but not awful. (C+)
Kai Kalama, “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted” – First off, too much singing with the face, sing with your voice my friend. Second, possibly the best vocals of the night so far. So far, based on simple singing it should be Kai and Allison going through, two more left though. (B+)
Mishavonna Henson, “Drops of Jupiter” – Wife o’ Dice called this one from the start. Misha sounds uncannily like a Miss Natasha Bedingfield. This is most certainly not a bad thing, and most certainly a decent performance. Good enough? Hmmm, let me think for a few more minutes. That was good though. (B+)
Adam Lambert, “Satisfaction” – That was an incredible vocal. INCREDIBLE! Some of things he does with his voice are beyond amazing. The face and performance are still a bit theater, but seriously, wow. (A)
Should be in the Top 12:
Other Possibilities:
Chewed up and spit out by the Idol stage:
Everyone Else
Official prediction for who will be in the Top 12:
This week’s easy money bet is Adam Lambert, then it’s unbelievably close in my opinion between the next 5. Kris, Megan, Allison, and Misha because they sang well, and Nicknorm because, well, he will pull some votes as suredly as he will wear a shiny shirt and a headband. For the gals it’s a complete toss up in my mind between Allison, Misha, and Megan, but I give Allison the edge because she seems to be more memorable. I’m apt to just give Megan the third slot, but I’m struggling with the conundrum of the court jester effect. Does Nick Mitchell really have a shot at going through? Yeah, he does. Will he? I… just… can’t… decide. OK, deep breath, final prediction so I can get to watching LOST; Adam, Allison annnnnd Megan, NO, Misha, NO, Kris, NO, The Welder, GRRRRR, fine… fine… ADAM, ALLISON, and NORMAN GENTLE! There you happy now. I officially pick the Idol comic relief to make the Top 12. Now if you will excuse me I need to see how John Locke is doing these days.