by Shane Conto, Staff Writer

When you sit down for an action/thriller directed by Mel Gibson and starring Mark Wahlberg in 2025, you might expect some epic filmmaking from the man who created Braveheart and some tough guy satisfaction from an Academy Award-nominated actor. But those are not really the elements that you get from Flight Risk, a strange concoction of weird and uncomfortable dialogue, some solid and passable direction, and a ridiculous plot. 

Flight Risk is an odd addition to Gibson’s impressive directorial filmography. It’s his most by-the-numbers and uninspired film choice. The effects are solid if unimpressive in their attempts render the central small plane which is flying through an impressive Alaskan mountain range. There is some effective tension and suspense that Gibson musters inside the claustrophobic setting of this plane. The camera makes good use of this small space, navigating it well in some of the close combat elements of the story. 

Meanwhile, the film’s tone is… strange. There are comedic moments that bring some levity despite the film being a serious action thriller. Some of this is due to an intentional level of camp, but much of the humor is just terrible, due to Jared Rosenberg’s writing being extremely awkward. Most of the dialogue that comes out of Wahlberg’s mouth is perplexing and concerning. There are multiple moments in the film where you will be taken aback by what Wahlberg says. You can only hear, “Want to play hide the pickle?” so many times in 90 minutes. Gross and problematic for sure. At least what happens to Wahlberg’s hitman character is insanely satisfying, almost making up for us having to listen to him throughout the film. 

The overall narrative has plenty of twists and turns, red herrings, and shocking moments. This is not the cleverest script, but there are plenty of fun and ridiculous moments. There are clunky moments, including an ending that feels somehow both satisfying and so weird. 

But does the cast make the most of this silly and weird thriller? The film is balanced on the shoulders of Michelle Dockery, and she does a fine job. There are a few moments of overacting, but in general, she keeps the audience connected and grounded with an authentic performance. When Topher Grace isn’t screaming and hurting your ears, he delivers some meaningful moments, eliciting some laughs. Wahlberg… what a performance. He certainly cannot sell the atrocious dialogue he is saddled with, but he does sell the physicality of his character, which pays off a few times. Unfortunately, the film is the most engaging when his character is incapacitated. There are a few familiar voices thrown in, and they do a fine job too. 

With Gibson at the reins, he delivers one of the most wildly inconsistent action/thrillers in recent memory. There will be some who cannot get past the weak script and that strange bold head on Wahlberg. Others will be able to sit back and enjoy one of the strangest yet fun movies so far this year. There will for sure be lots of eye rolls watching this movie. 

Rating: Didn’t Like It

Flight Risk is currently playing in theaters

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