With Lost out ’til January, anything on Wednesday worth watching?
Midweek TV is all about the new stuff this year. I’ve already talked last week about how excited I am for Pushing Daisies, and how torn I am on Kid Nation (of which I will only be able to watch half) and Back to You. Bionic Woman rounds out the newbies on Wednesday that will get the chance to live on my DVR. What’s funny is I don’t plan on watching what will likely be the biggest new show on Wednesday, the Grey’s spin off, Private Practice. Never got into Grey’s Anatomy don’t plan to start now with the sequel. Also of note is that Wednesday holds the most depressing show on TV, CSI:NY. How can you miss when you combine the proven genius of the CSI format with New York City and the amazing Gary Sinise? By making it completely dark, dreary, and dreadful, that’s how.
The color coded breakdown:
ABC – Pushing Daisies
CBS – Kid Nation
CW – America’s Next Top Model
Fox – Back to You
NBC – Deal or No Deal
CBS – Kid Nation (2nd half of show)
Fox – Til Death
ABC – Private Practice
CBS – Criminal Minds
CW – Gossip Girls
Fox – Kitchen Nightmares
NBC – Bionic Woman
ABC – Dirty, Sexy, Money
NBC – Life
Wednesday’s Total: Two 1 hour dramas, one half hour sit-com, one half hour Reality, 3 hours
Overall Total: Eight 1 hour dramas, Three half hour sit-coms, One and a half 1 hour Reality, 11 hours