I’m interested to see what they make of American Band, but that’s it. I was almost interested in Nashville, but then read that it was done by the same people who do Laguna Beach. Deal or No Deal followed the tried and true new school game show formula of being very interesting for about a month and a half, and I’ve heard Friday Night Lights (not to be confused with Friday Night Smackdown!, thier exclamation point, not mine.) is actually a pretty decent show, I just don’t have any desire to start watching it. I used to watch Numb3rs, but finally decided I couldn’t in good conscious watch any show that substituted numbers for letters in its title.
The color coded breakdown:
Green = Will be programmed on my DVR
Blue = Not for me, but feel free.
Red = Move along, nothing to see here.
ABC – 20/20
CBS – Ghost Whisperer
CW – Friday Night Smackdown!
Fox – American Band
NBC – Deal or No Deal
ABC – Women’s Murder Club
CBS – Moonlight
Fox – Nashville
NBC – Friday Night Lights
ABC – Men In Trees
CBS – Numb3rs
NBC – Las Vegas
Seriously, turn off all noise, close your eyes and imagine that cricket chirping.
The color coded breakdown:
ABC – Saturday Night College Football
CBS – Crimetime Saturday
Fox – COPS
NBC – Dateline NBC
Fox – America’s Most Wanted
NBC – NBC Drama Repets
CBS – 48 Hrs.
Good to see King of the Hill and The Simpsons still kickin’, and Extreme Home Makeover is always good for a few tears (Move…. That…. Bus!) Other than that, nothing much to pay attention to. I used to watch Cold Case, but again dropped it to cut down on the procedural dramas and I have never understood the Desperate Housewives thing.
The color coded breakdown:
ABC – Extreme Home: Makeover
CBS – Viva Laughlin
CW – Life is Wild
Fox – The Simpsons
NBC – Sunday Night Football
Fox – King of the Hill
ABC – Desperate Housewives
CBS – Cold Case
CW – America’s Top Model
Fox – Family Guy
Fox – American Dad
ABC – Brothers and Sisters
CBS – Shark
Weekend’s Total: Two half hour sit-coms, Two 1 hour Reality, 3 Hours
Final Total: Nine 1 hour dramas, Nine half hour sit-coms, Four and a half 1 hour Reality, 18 hours
Looks like we made it! 3 Hours of weekly time to spare, which will make room for the cable fare I enjoy like Monk or Mythbusters, and returning shows Idol, 24, Lost, and Amazing Race when they reappear in January. And if you think that planning out TV Watching like this seems a bit obsessive and over thought, you do remember whose blog this is, right? I’ll take a plan over just flipping on the tube and seeing what’s on any day.
In closing, I’d like to thank the inventor of DVR for making all of this possible, and my family for putting up with my obsession.
Enjoy the new season!