Today I am proud to announce Skittle Sandwich is available for your podcasting perusal.
Skittle Sandwich is an every other week audio podcast that spends about40 minutes with me and a couple friends (Matt Moore, a local artist and friend who you can check out at mattmooremusic.com, and Sara the Intern, a fellow DJ here at FuseFM who you can hear on the Get up and Go show every morning.) discussing the world of pop culture through our unique lenses.
A couple warnings, before you run out to grab it (Again, leave me to my delusions, please):
– The content may run a bit edgier at times than you might expect from a podcast in the “Christian” section of Itunes. This is not a podcast that is “safe for the little ears” if you will. It’s not a profanity thing, just that we wanted the flow to be as free as possible and the discussion to be open and real about the things that make us truly care or even just laugh. I think, as Christians, we often over edit ourselves, and it gives a false impression that we are somehow more (or less) than human. Let’s just say there is humanity on display in some of what we have and will be discussing. Whether it be admiring the musicianship of Metallica or Eminem or just laughing that Nintendo named their download section “Wii Ware”, we aren’t going to bland it down for the many to keep from offending the few.
– This is not an official FuseFM podcast. We won’t be talking about it on the air and it is a completely independent project. We mention FuseFM just to say thanks, but the opinions and comments in the podcast should in no way be automatically seen as the views of FuseFM.
So that’s the scoop. You can check out Skittle Sandwich at skittlesandwich.com or subscribe to it in Itunes (just search for Skittle Sandwich in the Itunes store). There are two episodes already available and we would LOVE to know any thoughts you have on what we have done, or answer any questions you might have. It would also be immensely appreciated if you left feedback in Itunes about us so that when people search there are comments there as well.
Thanks for continuing to check out Rollin, and I hope Skittle Sandwich will make you smile a bit as well.