Well if you can do any simple arithmetic you will realize that having 9 hours of TV in 2 days will not equal 21 in 7.  The good news is that apparently the networks have decided that Wednesday will be light on the “things Dice likes” sauce.  Lost will be here come January, but what’s available now? 
Pushing Daisies.
That’s it. One show, but what a show it is.  In a sea of dark procedural crime dramas it stands out like purple suit at a funeral.  If you watch this show you know how fun, well written, and poignant it is on a week by week basis.  If you don’t watch it, I beg of you, give it a shot.  These are the kind of shows that need to succeed in order not to see an all CSI line up every night of the week.

The color coded breakdown:


ABC – Pushing Daisies
CBS – Old Christine
CW – America’s Next Top Model
Fox – Bones
NBC – Knight Rider


CBS – Gary Unmarried


ABC – Private Practice
CBS – Criminal Minds
CW – Stylista
Fox – Til Death
NBC – Deal or No Deal


Fox – Do Not Disturb

ABC – Dirty, Sexy, Money
NBC – Lipstick Jungle

Wednesday’s Total: One 1 hour comedy,
 1 hour

Overall Total: Eight 1 hour dramas, One 1 hour comedy, One 1 hour Reality, 10 hours

One Reply to “21 Hours of TV, Fall Preview (Wednesday)…”

  1. I love Pushing Daisies, but I’m also a sucker for Criminal Minds. A little graphic at times, but the psychologist in my really enjoys the focus on the ‘unsub’ analysis.

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